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This year we had the pleasure of getting to go to Missouri and hunt at Monster Whitetail Outfitters…well, by we, I mean Jeremy got to hunt! This trip was all his! He hasn’t gotten to kill anything with his new Mathews bow and he was ready for that to happen. He has had the trip booked for over a year and finally got the chance to go and Mom and I were able to join. We took cameo just in case the opportunity presented itself for us to sit in the tree, but we primarily wanted him to get one. We hoped to have one of us in the tree with him to film but the location that he was at didn’t really allow for that. We couple have hung a stand, but nobody felt that is was safe to be that high off the group, so the last resort was Jeremy having to film himself.

On our way to the camp, we stopped in central Missouri to Jeremy’s best friend since high school. We got to roam around Missouri and visit some places that they used to go as kids. We also go to play around with the potato gun and eat some great food! Check out our Instagram and Facebook accounts to see how the first shot of the potato gun went! (Hint: not the best, do not try at home!) We always love getting to go back to Missouri for a visit and it is NEVER boring!

This trip might not have ended with a big buck on the ground, but it was still a great trip to see our friends at Monster Whitetail Outfitters and a great chance to take a vacation to make some memories. We got to see some old friends and make new ones…what is better than that?! (Except being on the water!!)

In case you missed the potato gun video, here it is:


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